As 2022 becomes a fading memory, we look forward to embracing 2023 with a fresh and optimistic gaze. Like schools, businesses and other community organisations, U3A Beachmere is well-advanced in planning the implementation of Term 1, 2023.
U3A Beachmere offers new and existing members the opportunity to socially engage with fellow residents and build new friendships, whilst learning new skills. Course offerings this year will focus around the core themes of:
Well-being and mental stimulation
Computers and technology
Arts and crafts
Gentle sport and exercise
Music and music appreciation
Participants are lead through course activities by tutors experienced in that specific field who aim to create a friendly, non-competitive environment for people to share experiences and develop new skills and awareness. There are no quizzes or exams, with the only expectations focussed around knowledge sharing and having fun.
Our small and isolated community needs U3A Beachmere. If you value the direct and indirect services provided by U3A and wish to see course offerings continue throughout 2023 and beyond, the current committee needs your help! Become a member, enrol in a course and if, at all possible, support the organisation and community by volunteering a small percentage of your time.
The current committee will be standing down at the Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday, March 13 at 1 pm.
We are looking for members to take on committee roles, especially president and volunteer coordinator. You don’t need any specific experience other than an interest in helping your community.