Wes from QLD Car Sales & Detailing would like to thank all our readers who emailed him their nominations for the Volunteer Giving Back to the Community Award .
Issue 63 Winner was Barbara Woodroffe, nominated by Helen Murphy. Barb is the current president of U3A Beachmere. She is also a member of the Beachmere Car Club.
Helen said “Barb has spent, and continues to spend, many, many hours leading the organisation to ensure all aspects are managed well and with a smile. As with many small, fledgling volunteer organisations, there is one person who is prepared to interrupt their lives to provide a service to the community. In this case, it is Barb. Her commitment involves seven days per week and any hour of the day. She is the ‘go-to’ person internally and external to the U3A.”
Wes values the work being done in the community by our volunteers and has committed to provide a free detailing service per month for six months which started in issue 63 to thank those in the community who do great work for all of us.
Volunteers can be nominated for this free service via an email outlining how the person puts back into the community as a volunteer, has a selfless outlook in serving our community and describing the work of the worthy organisation the volunteer works for. Wes’ email address is sales@qldcarsales.com.au .
I just need to point out that I am not the secretary of the Beachmere Classic Vehicle Club. What happened was that their secretary experienced ill health and could not continue. For a short time I acted as their minutes secretary until the AGM when another lady Paulina Pammenter stepped into the role. I do enjoy being a member of the car club with no responsibility.
