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Dec 16, 2020
The Heat is On! By Mick O’Brien- Profound Horticultural. Dip.Hort(MAIH)
The summer heat has truly arrived with a vengeance and now the decision presents itself, “should I garden in my spare time or should I...

Dec 16, 2020
Pest Watch- December 2020
Lawns and landscape, well I covered a great deal of pests affecting us here last month in the patch and in particular what was targeting...

Dec 14, 2020
Landscape Plant of the Month Justica carnea syn. Jacobina carnea- ‘Pink’
Justicacarnea- ‘Pink’,commonly referred to as theBrazilian Plume floweror flamingo planthails originally from South America. Justicaare...

Jul 28, 2020
The smell of the bush
Have you ever gone for a drive on a country road in South East Queensland through pockets of dry rainforest and thought- wow, what is...

Jul 28, 2020
What’s happening in the Patch this winter?
This winter, our humble veggie patch is still producing nice zucchinis, silverbeet, boc choy, pac choy, chives, tomatoes, and capsicums...

Apr 7, 2020
Seeds- If we can’t buy them now, then let’s start saving them.
If you are like me and have started a small veggie garden at home, it’s quite a bit of work initially and planning to get enough produce...

Apr 7, 2020
Let’s get planting and organising!
Well its been a mad month indeed with the nasty COVID- 19 virus- infiltrating our community and affecting our economy. A lot of...

Apr 7, 2020
Plant of the Month Tabernaemontana corymbosa- The Dwarf Pinwheel- By Mick O’Brien Dip.Hort(MAIH)
The Tabernaemontana genus- Syn. Ervatamia, contains around 100 species of evergreen trees and shrubs belonging to the family Apocynaceae,...

Mar 10, 2020
Anticipating Autumn- Try growing some garlic!
Well, how about anticipating some cooler temps already! Yes, our summer’s in Queensland are hot and steamy by nature and after the...

Mar 10, 2020
Bribie Island- is a flutter, butterflies galore!
Image: Lemon migrant butterflies mating. It was a great to see last week the masses of mostly lemon-yellow butterflies that were flying...

Mar 10, 2020
Landscape Plant of the Month The Climbing Frangipani: Chonemorpha fragrans
Chonemorpha fragrans, is undeniably a most beautiful flowering tropical vine, with its large white and fragrant, frangipani- like...
Feb 11, 2020
Bribie Island- is Green and lush again!
Bribie Island- is Green and lush again! Just wonderful to have a few more days of constant rain here on the coast again. The grass is...

Feb 11, 2020
Readers Corner! Call to action- Your gardening questions answered here!
This issue, we have another loyal reader; Rudi Batista, from Sandstone Point, writing in with some questions about problems with their...
Feb 11, 2020
Landscape- Plant of the Month
Evolvulus glomeratus Syn. Evolvulus pilosus Common name(s): Blue Daze; Blue Eyes; Blue Sapphire This dense low growing perennial...

Jan 14, 2020
Readers Corner!
We had a lovely letter from one of our readers, Noel Wormald from Sandstone Point! Please email the editor if you have any questions at...
Jan 14, 2020
It’s great to be back in the Patch- 2020.
It’s great to be back in the Patch- 2020. By Mick O’Brien- Dip.Hort(MAIH) RH-101 Happy New Year all. Hope you all had some time to relax...

Jan 14, 2020
Landscape Plant of the Month Grevillea ‘Cooroora Cascade’
Grevillea ‘Cooroora Cascade’, is a beautiful, hardy and vigorous- low growing Australian native shrub, that grows well in most soil types...
Sep 24, 2019
Water-wise Gardening- for sandy soils!
Spring, is the best time to get organised with all your planting, pruning, fertilising and lawn renovation requirements before the heat...

Sep 24, 2019
Landscape Plant of the Month
Westringia fruticosa - Coastal or Native Rosemary An excellent, hardy, drought tolerant Australian native plant, that is also tolerant of...
Aug 28, 2019
How Green is your sward?
In last month’s article, I commented on how unusual it was for us to get so much constant heavy rainfall in June this year at the...
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