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Aug 28, 2019
Landscape Plant of the Month
Hovea acutifolia or Purple Pea Bush Purple Pea Bush, Hovea acutifolia, is a native Australian shrub that grows between 1 to 4 metres tall...

Aug 28, 2019
Spring at last!
Did somebody say Spring! All the pollinators, birds, bees and butterflies are hovering around (like myself of course), in anticipation...

Jul 31, 2019
Gardening with Spirit!
Well, it’s great to be back from annual leave, although it was very difficult to get away and allow myself some time off this winter,...

Jul 31, 2019
Landscape Plant of the Month
Leucophyllum frutescens, has many cultivars and is native to Chihuahuan Desert, Rio Grande, and Texas in the USA, which is why its...

Jul 31, 2019
Sustaining Biodiversity- Beneficial insect biocontrol
Ok, I have been writing about the benefits of sustainable gardening practices and the importance of non-reliance on chemical control...

Jul 3, 2019
Landscape Plant of the Month - Aptenia Cordifolia or The Baby Sun Rose
Aptenia cordifolia- is a hardy, fast-growing, evergreen succulent groundcover with glossy green, fleshy foliage. The Sun Rose is adorned...

Jul 3, 2019
Adding Some Warmth to July
I thought it would be great to warm the cockles of your hearts with some images of some beautiful winter blooming plants that are...

Jul 3, 2019
To Pay the Dews - Some Respect!
It’s amazing this time of year; I tend to inspect my client’s lawns first before I attempt to pull the mower out of the truck and fire it...

Jun 5, 2019
Landscape Plant of the Month by Mick O’Brien Dip.Hort(MAIH) Tibouchina ‘Peace Baby’
Tibouchina ‘Peace Baby’, is a gorgeous, free- flowering and compact evergreen shrub with large white flowers with spectacular pink...

Jun 5, 2019
Sustainable Gardening- Soils ain’t Soils The morning dews!
Its official- winter it is, and the temperatures have finally dropped accordingly but those very damp weather conditions we experienced...

Jun 5, 2019
Winter in the subtropics, its blooming marvellous!
The temps are receding these last few weeks, but how good is it to see so much variety of winter flowers blooming around the place? With...

May 8, 2019
Landscape Plant of the Month Spathoglottis plicata or Purple Ground Orchid
Spathoglottis plicata, is a terrestrial ground orchid that is native to Australia and is also found growing in other tropical and...

May 8, 2019
Soils ain’t Soils -The humble Dung Beetle!
I was watching a very informative video last weekend, posted online, by a company called- Soils for life, which specialises in...

May 8, 2019
Wicking beds- The upside down- watering system!
Fruits of Labour- Nice healthy tomato plant with ripe fruit. Upon researching the ‘Wicking Bed’ system recently, for a client of mine...
Feb 12, 2019
Lawns green with Envy.
By Mick O’Brien. Dip. Hort (MAIH) RH-101 While most lawns around the district are suffering from heat stress due to the current drought...

Feb 12, 2019
Landscape Plant of the Month.
Wrightia antidysenterica- ‘Coral Swirl’ By Mick O’Brien Wrightia antidysenterica- ‘Coral swirl’ is a beautiful ornamental flowering,...
Feb 12, 2019
Soils ain’t Soils
Soils ain’t Soils by Mick O’Brien. Dip. Hort (MAIH). The Happy Horticulturist RH-101 Sometimes it’s a challenge to keep ourselves...

Dec 18, 2018
Which Garden Plants are Toxic- for Pets?
There are many common plants that may be growing in and around your home that could be extremely toxic for our fury friends, including...

Dec 18, 2018
Landscape plant of the Month Pittosporum tobira - ‘Miss Muffet’ or Dwarf Pittosporum
Lovely and compact, evergreen, slow- growing shrub that thrives in our coastal environment. Pittosporum tobira - ‘Miss Muffet’- as...
Oct 28, 2018
Singing to your plants
Well its an old adage expression, but is their any proof to this theory that singing, or playing music can alter the growth of plants?...
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